Technology Feature – Parking Assist
Hi everyone, I’m Jason with Mercedes-Benz Winnipeg. Let me show you something cool.
Some of the things we get asked about a lot are about how the parking assistance feature works? Or the Mercedes-Benz guy showed me a long time ago but I forget. Here is a quick overview.
With the car driving you can activate the car’s camera system and its parking assistance feature through the MBUX system. Now the car will be actively hunting for a parking spot. When the vehicle fully passes by that parking spot, the car will recognize it and it will become available to you on the parking assistance screen.
Stop the car, select the orientation, whether tail in or nose in, that you’d like to park the vehicle, and then simply hit the park button. Now the exciting part.
Once it’s complete, the car will automatically put itself in park. And that’s it. Pretty cool, eh?
That’s all we have time for today. Feel free to stop by and visit us at 1400 Kenaston Blvd. We can show you anything else you might like to see and answer any questions you have.
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